Elixir Digital Media

Emergence of Interactive videos and importance of using it

A movie on Netflix ‘Bandersnatch’ has received a lot of praise and has a large fan base because of its interactivity. The film is a choose-your-own-adventure-style film with five different endings that is part of the science fiction anthology series Black Mirror. Doesn’t it sound incredible?

Doesn’t it sound incredible? You must be wondering how it’s possible, but it is.

In a nutshell, interactive video is the next big thing, and in the approaching days of technological change, they’ll be booming like crazy. Continue reading to see how an interactive video may help you and what we have planned.

So, let’s get started!

Definition and Impact of Interactive Video

Interactive video, commonly known as IV, is a sort of digital video that allows users to interact with it. Simply explained, interactive videos are those that allow your viewers to engage with them. This means that instead of going through a linear path of ‘skip,’ play, and pause,’ your movies will have many pathways that visitors may take according to their preferences.

Interactive videos are not only a useful resource for markets, but they are also a very diversified media in general, suitable for any type of business.

An interactive video works similar to a standard video file, but has clickable areas or hotspots that execute a task when clicked. The video may go to a different area of the video or open a new video file entirely when you click a hotspot.

The Advantages of Using an Interactive Video

There’s a reason why interactive films have become a game-changer in the digital age — no one can deny their relevance, from the ordinary man to the CEO. Here are a few reasons why you should include an interactive video in your digital toolset.

1) Popularity

Both brands and the general public are now riding high on the wave of interactive videos. Why? Because the most effective marketing plans usually include content that customers want to connect with, such as interactive videos, which are now popular.

Brands are developing interactive videos at a faster rate than any other video content, and audiences are reacting positively, with viewers watching them 445 times longer than conventional videos.

2) Followability

You can simply measure the interaction, views, and success rate of an interactive video. This was previously a concern for some people who struggled to estimate the impact of their videos due to a lack of data showing a connection between video engagement and conversions.

Interactive video allows for powerful metric monitoring and allows you to track clicks inside a video as well as gather data through video form fields.

3) Improves user involvement

Because 87 percent of viewers use more than one device at a time, it’s simple to get distracted when watching a linear video, which means you’re already competing for their attention.

Instead, an interactive video will turn passive viewing into active viewing and create a game-like experience for you, resulting in the audience being addicted to the video and a whopping 59 percent increase in user engagement.

4) A higher conversion rate

In comparison to digital video commercials, interactive videos have a substantially better conversion rate, notably banner ads, YouTube annotation ads, and Google display ads, which convert at less than 1%. An interactive video, in particular, converts at a stunning 11% higher than all other videos.

5) Pleasant, enjoyable, and unforgettable

Because an interactive video allows users to participate with the content, they are more likely to remember the video’s brand. According to reports, interactive video advertising are 32 percent more memorable than conventional video ads. Simply told, they are more enjoyable to watch than a linear film because they appear to be engaging stories.

Because of a combination of variables, interactive videos are fantastic. They are purposefully developed with the user in mind, with the ultimate product aimed at impressing the audience.

Interactivity is used in interactive films to improve the viewer experience, not only to show off.

So what are you waiting for?

Get in touch with Elixir Digital Media to discuss more about interactive videos and stand out in front of your competitors and potential customers. It provides one of the best Interactive video production services across India.

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