Elixir Digital Media

Importance of Mobile Marketing

Importance of Mobile Marketing

In 2021, the world’s unique mobile phone users are 5.22 billion (Data). In addition, the number of people who own a phone and use it to access the internet is steadily increasing. So, what does this mean?

Mobile marketing is something you should start paying more attention to. There are numerous advantages to mobile marketing, regardless of the type of business you operate. It allows you to reach new audiences, communicate with customers in real time, and is cost-effective, to name a few benefits.

You must be wondering how mobile marketing may help your company grow?. Well, here are the top 5 advantages of mobile marketing.

1 Easy and immediate access

Mobile devices are used for around 4 hours and 10 minutes each day, according to Data.

That’s a lot. 

They’re using social media apps, checking email, playing games, and surfing the web. They also don’t leave the house without their phones.

So, if you want to stay relevant, go where your customers are — on their phones.

The success of mobile marketing is heavily reliant on accessibility. It enables you to communicate with your audience at any time and from any location. Furthermore, mobile marketing is the quickest and most efficient approach to engage with customers and get your message out there right away.

It’s also worth noting that mobile devices, not desktops, accounted for 56.7 percent of web traffic in 2021. And we can expect the number to continue to rise.

The disadvantage of using a desktop is that the user will not receive your message for several hours.

People are no longer confined to their desks; they are on the move. As a result, mobile marketing is considerably superior if you want to reach your target immediately.

2. Provides you with the ability to reach global audience – and segment it

By 2021, billions of people all around the world will have access to a mobile phone. Mobile marketing is the way to go if you want to reach a worldwide audience.

You can not only contact them all, but you can also select who you wish to contact. I’m sure you have demographic preferences for your target audience, whether it’s based on age, gender, or geographic area.

Furthermore, ad platforms are becoming increasingly smart. Interests, hobbies, recent purchasing history, retargeting, and other common targeting elements are included.

You can start broad till you figure out who your target audience is if you don’t know who they are. Focus on this audience once you’ve found it. However, you should never stop experimenting with and improving your mobile marketing initiatives.

3. A variety of marketing channels are available

Here are some of the advantages of mobile marketing. You can reach out to customers through a variety of channels and techniques.

Mobile Websites

Mobile websites are the most obvious example. Smart-phones account for the majority of website traffic. It’s a convenient method to search up any website or discover new products while on the go. Purchases made on mobile devices are also on the rise. Many experts believe it will soon overtake desktop purchases.

It’s for this reason that having a mobile-friendly website is essential.

Mobile Apps 

Android users spend 92 percent of their time in apps. Another excellent marketing opportunity has revealed itself. Ads can be displayed in mobile apps, for example. You can, however, make your own app. It has the potential to improve shopping convenience, customer engagement, and brand visibility.

Sms Marketing

SMS marketing is a popular type of mobile marketing with a lot of potential.

After opting in, 75% of consumers are fine with receiving text messages. Text messages receive a higher response rate than email or Facebook, with 90% of them being read within minutes.

That alone should prompt you to consider developing an SMS strategy for your company.

QR Codes 

When it comes to mobile marketing, QR codes are also fairly popular.

Users can scan QR codes to be sent to a web page with additional information.

In-Game Mobile Marketing Ads

In-Game Mobile Marketing Ads, which appear within mobile games, are also quite effective and can reach a wide audience. So that’s another way to reach a large audience.

Email marketing, social media marketing, push notifications, voice, location-based marketing, and other mobile marketing tactics are examples.

4. Budget-friendly

Mobile marketing is substantially less expensive than traditional marketing methods.

Mobile ad clicks are 24 percent less expensive than desktop ad clicks.

Many traditional marketing strategies are more expensive than optimizing your website for mobile usability or sending text messages.

This is a major advantage, especially for small enterprises with limited marketing budgets. If you want to reach a large number of people for a fraction of the expense of traditional advertising, mobile marketing is the way to go.

5. Potential to go viral

One of the best things about mobile content is how simply it can be shared.

As a result, it has a lot of viral potential.

When a person finds something interesting, he or she is inclined to share it with their friends or family. Not only does this provide you with a lot of free publicity, but it also has the potential to make your marketing effort go viral.

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