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How things have transferred to digital amidst Covid-19?

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  • How things have transferred to digital amidst Covid-19?

COVID-19 has demonstrated that small things can have a major effect. The planet has come to a halt due to the COVID – 19 pandemic. The pandemic has had an effect on everyone’s lives around the world, but the pandemic has also brought opportunities. Although the lockdown has resulted in high levels of unemployment around the world, many people are still able to work from home, and everything has gone digital for them.

In a situation where humans cannot leave their homes, what would they do without digital devices, digital platforms, and internet? Practically nothing productive. Digitization has played an immense role in evolving this era and human lifestyles, and this cannot be replaced by any other means.

People now have more downtime together as a result of the lockdown, and there is a lot of room to binge-watch shows, watch movies, or make video calls to extended family and friends. The increase in people staying at home has led to a nearly 60% increase in the amount of content they consume.

Schools and colleges all over the globe are running online classes with the help of different digital platforms. Corporate firms and offices have turned totally into digital with the “work from home” strategy. Grocery shopping is now done through digital platforms and apps.

In today’s world, social media sites have billions of active users. People have welcomed the transition to a largely digital era, with social media serving as their only link to the outside world. India is undergoing a digital revolution, which is resulting in significant changes in areas such as e-payments, digital literacy, financial inclusion, geographic mapping, rural growth, and much more.

The new platform for transforming India into an empowered society is the digital economy. The current pandemic, in particular, has provided a proving ground for India’s readiness to adopt the “only digital mode.”

Digital media and entertainment, which includes OTT, digital news, social media, and gaming, dominated the market at the start of 2020 and is now projected to expand more robustly than other sectors in context of the present pandemic situation. In addition, prominent video-centric social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram have seen substantial increases in content consumption. The average user now spends four hours a day on the internet, up from 1.5 hours previously.

People are becoming more suited to and adapted to their increasingly digital lives as lockdown progresses, but even though the virus is expected to die down within the next 6 months, digital media and digital life is here to stay with us forever.

Use this opportunity to grow your business, to increase your knowledge, to connect with people, to expand your ideas and creations, to enhance your social presence with the help of digital experts.

We at Elixir Digital Media provide explicit digital services to cater all your digital needs. Visit elixir website link to know more about digital services.

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Email- www.elixirdigitalmedia.com

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