Elixir Digital Media

Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management

Your online reputation has an impact on how people perceive your company when they search for or come across it on online platforms. As a result, online reputation management (ORM) purposefully influences the information that people find.

Various techniques and strategies can assist you in pushing damaging and harmful content further down Google search engine results pages (SERPs) by ranking your own or third-party more desirable content above it. What is the significance of this? Because the top five results in Google’s search results receive approximately two-thirds of all clicks.

However, ORM is more than just managing content in search engines. It is also about managing negative business reviews and encouraging satisfied customers to provide more positive feedback.

Did you know that “85% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?” Besides that, “49% of consumers seek for at least a four-star rating before choosing a company”. 

Given these figures, the significance of your online personal and professional reputation cannot be underestimated. 

The following are the 4 unique digital marketing models involved in ORM, also known as the PESO Model. 

Paid Media 

Paid media consists of making efforts to feature your business on several online platforms which involves a certain amount of payment. This includes Google AdWords PPC advertising, Facebook display ads, and sponsored posts on industry/influencer blogs. By establishing new relationships with partners and customers, paid media broadens your reach and drives traffic to your web properties.

Earned Media

Earned media refers to coverage of your company on external websites for which you did not pay. It necessitates that you distinguish yourself from the competition by providing excellent content, products, or services that users consider worth sharing, mentioning, reposting, and reviewing.

Social Media

Pages and profiles on social media are an extended version of your brand and create additional value for people to interact. It’s critical to devote the resources necessary to stay active on social properties by engaging in conversations and publishing new content on a regular basis. As a general rule, not having a profile on a network is preferable to having an inactive one.

Owned Properties

Your company’s websites and blogs are owned by you, which means you have complete control over them. Of course, the more properties you own, the more likely it is that you will be able to effectively build your digital presence. Simultaneously, you don’t want to create confusion by establishing properties that are indistinguishable from one another.

Below are 5 points that can help you and your business to have an effective ORM. 

  • Determine your desired online reputation 
  • Evaluate what you really want your online reputation to be like 
  • Assess your current online reputation 
  • Create a social media content strategy to promote your desired reputation
  • Enhance your business reputation with blog posts (Owned Media)

You can experience these services with the help of Digital Media professionals to enhance ORM results for your business.

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