Elixir Digital Media

Things you need to know about WhatsApp marketing

Things you need to know about WhatsApp marketing

WhatsApp marketing is a sort of messenger marketing in which a business is promoted via WhatsApp. This channel assists businesses in reaching a large audience, developing strong customer relationships, and increasing sales.

Why should your business use WhatsApp Marketing?

WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging app on the planet.  For organizations looking to interact with audiences in developing countries, this marketing channel is a must-have. WhatsApp is said to have over 2 billion monthly active users around the world. It is also the most widely used mobile messaging app on the planet.

More than half of WhatsApp users check the app every day, thus WhatsApp marketing allows you to stay in touch with your customers. Even better, text messages have a 98 percent open rate, so you can be sure they’ll see your offers.

Last but not least, your customers adore this mode of interaction. They have higher faith in brands that use chat apps – 53% of people said they would buy from a company that can be reached via chat.

There are, however, additional advantages to include WhatsApp in your marketing approach. 

Advantages of WhatsApp marketing’s for your business

Using messengers to boost your marketing strategy is a fantastic idea. There are four advantages of using WhatsApp to promote your business.

  • Customer relationships that are profound 
  • Better sales
  • Higher  conversion rate
  • Marketing costs are lower


Marketing Strategies  for WhatsApp

Every marketing channel’s efficacy is based on a well-crafted strategy. It allows you to plan your moves and alter your path if something goes wrong. Here are a few pointers to help you create a successful WhatsApp marketing strategy.

  • Define your objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Identify your target market
  • Get the app for business
  • Make a persona for your brand
  • Create a contact list
  • Establish a communication framework
  • Provide excellent client service

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