Elixir Digital Media

Promotional videos, animated videos and visuals effects are rapidly evolving, and we can expect it to hit new heights sooner than we think. This trend is fueled by the fact that 83 percent of companies believe video marketing provides a strong return on investment (ROI).

There might be some doubts in your mind whether your product needs promotional videos or not? The answer is “Yes”, not only because it’s used by many but because video is the most profitable and versatile marketing tool

Below are some reasons of why you should opt for promotional videos for marketing.

1 Video production enhances conversion rate and sales.

First and foremost, videos will help you earn a lot of money. When posted on your landing page, a product video will increase conversions by as much as 80%.

Video may also result in direct sales. According to studies, 74% of people that watched an explainer video about a product went on to buy it.

The success of video isn’t all that surprising when you think about it. After all, vision is our source of primary sense. Visual knowledge makes up the majority of the data sent to our brain. If pictures can significantly increase engagement, imagine what moving pictures can do for the business

2 Videos provide great ROI

Video production and marketing provides great Return on Investment as it involves a lot of visual effects which creates an impression on the viewer’s brain.

Visuals can convey the most common product in a very creative manner and it can portray the most complicated product or service in the simplest manner to the customers. Which in turn will provide great returns in the form of sales.

3 Builds trust

Conversions and sales are made on the basis of trust. Building trust, on the other hand, should be an aim in itself. The whole philosophy of content marketing is focus on building long-term relationships and trust. Stop selling and instead attract customers by presenting them with valuable and useful knowledge. 

Promotional videos can help foster trust. Some customers are indeed skeptical of purchasing goods and services over the internet due to concerns about fraud and cheating. Successful marketing videos, on the other hand, show the products in a conversational manner. This provides a sense of individualization, which is why 57 percent of customers claim videos have increased their interest in making online purchases.

4 Google loves videos

Visitors can spend longer time on your platform if you use creative videos. As a result, increased visibility creates trust and shows search engines that your site contains quality content.

You’re 53 times more likely to rank first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website. After Google acquired YouTube, the kind of influence videos have on your search engine ranking has increased significantly.

5 Videos can explain anything an everything.

Are you launching a new service or product? Make a video to demonstrate how it works. Consumers say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a service or product. As a result, 45 percent of companies that use video marketing have an explainer video on their home page. 83 percent of those businesses said their homepage explainer video was successful and impactful.

Are you attempting to explain a complex idea?  Make animated videos. Animation has the ability to bring ideas to life in a way that neither text nor live video can. Furthermore, dull talking heads are no longer sufficient to cut through the clutter. Animated videos are the ideal blend of entertainment, nostalgia, and ease of use. They’re also effective.

6 Videos engage the laziest potential customers too

Video is a fantastic learning tool, and it’s still very simple to consume. Today’s life is far too hectic to devote time to reading lengthy product reviews or researching services in depth. The modern consumer expects to see a product in action before purchasing it. One of the most significant factors behind the use of video in content marketing is video preference.

Here are some points to keep in mind while you opt for video production.

  • Majority of customers prefer visual effects and videos over reading descriptions.
  • Keep the content quality and production quality in mind.
  • Identify the needs, wants and behavior of your target customers.
  • Videos should be optimized according to different marketing platforms
  • Alter the time frame of videos as per the platform which you are going to use for video promotion.

We at Elixir Digital Media, provide the best video production, video animation and explainer videos services. As we are authorized for inhouse production, every kind of video creation can be catered inhouse.

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